Do-It-Yourself Wood Restoration Made Simple!

Restore A Deck Stain Stripper Instructions

by The Sealer Store

Restore A Deck Stain Stripper Instructions and How To Help

rad stain stripper brightener kitMaintaining a wood deck will ensure you get the longest lifespan and most use out of the extra outdoor living space. To maintain the appearance of a deck it should be cleaned and recoated every couple of years on average.

When preparing a deck for refinishing it is vital that it be cleaned properly. It is important to remove any old stain or sealer remnants that may be on the deck that would block the new stain or sealer from penetrating the wood properly.

Restore A Deck Stain Stripper is a specially designed two-step system for stripping old transparent and semi-transparent deck stains from wood prior to refinishing. There are some basic step-by-step instructions for stripping a deck with the RAD Stain Stripper system.

Restore A Deck Stripper Steps

1. Be sure air temperatures are within 45-90 degrees before starting.

2. Remove all furniture and décor from the deck and the surrounding area. Move at least 20 feet away and downwind from overspray.

3. Although RAD products are Eco-Friendly it is still recommended to cover any sensitive landscaping, shrubbery, and/or plants or pre-wet with water. Make sure to rinse well any overspray that may get on plants.

4. Cover any windows, doors, and other areas of the house with plastic or pre-wet with water.

5. Be sure to wear personal protection equipment such as eyewear, gloves, and clothing.

6. Mix Restore-A-Deck Stain Stripper by following the suggested instructions. Mix until all the crystals are fully dissolved. If using a pump sprayer to apply, mix in a separate bucket first and transfer to sprayer to avoid clogging of sprayer inlet tube.

7. Option 1: Mist fresh water onto the deck then apply RAD Stain Stripper using a pump sprayer or scrub brush. This is the most effective way.

8. Allow RAD Stain Stripper to sit on wood for 10-15 minutes or until the surface becomes slippery. Keep misting deck with water so is not allowed to dry.

9. Gently pressure wash at 1500-2000 PSI or hand scrub vigorously the deck until all dirt, grime, and gray fibers are removed. Rinse deck, shrubbery, and surrounding area with fresh water. Pressure washing is more effective.

10. Reapply RAD Stain Stripper to any stubborn areas repeating steps 7 & 8 to remove old stain or sealer as much as possible.

11. While wood is still wet apply Restore-A-Deck Wood Brightener following the mixing instructions and using a pump sprayer. The RAD Wood Brightener does not need to be washed or scrubbed, simply rinse off after 10 minutes of dwell time. Make sure to rinse the RAD Brightener thoroughly for 20 minutes until all soap suds are removed after the 10 minutes dwell time.

RAD Paint Strip 5 GallonImportant Note: Restore-A-Deck Stain Stripper may not fully remove Solid Color Wood Stains, Paints, Varnishes, and Excessively Over-Applied Acrylic Semi-Transparent and Semi-Solid Coatings. To remove these deck and wood stain types, use the RAD Paint & Solid Stain Stripper

Need Help Stripping an Old Stain? Ask Below!

Do you Have a Difficult to Remove Coating?

Restore-A-Deck Stain Stripper Additives

Restore-A-Deck Stripper
Use as Standalone (No Additional Additives Needed)
Where To Use
Horizontal & Vertical Surfaces for the below stain types. Examples: Deck Floors, most Deck Railings, etc.
Stain Types Removed
Most Penetrating Transparent & Semi-Transparent Oil-Based Stains.
Most Heavily Weathered Penetrating Transparent & Semi-Transparent Water-Based (Acrylic) Stains.
Most Clear Penetrating Sealers.
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Thickening Gel Additive
Thickening Gel & Restore-A-Deck Stain Stripper
Where To Use
Vertical Surfaces for the below stain types. Examples: Wood Fences, Cedar & Log Homes, etc.
Stain Types Removed
Most Penetrating Transparent & Semi-Transparent Oil-Based Stains.
Most Heavily Weathered Penetrating Transparent & Semi-Transparent Water-Based (Acrylic) Stains.
Most Clear Penetrating Sealers.
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Thickening Gel & Booster
Use Both Additives with Restore-A-Deck Stain Stripper
Where To Use
Decks, Wood Fences, Cedar & Log Homes and all Exterior Wood Surfaces for the below stain types.
Stain Types Removed
All Exterior Wood & Deck Stain Types in Columns 1 & 2.
Most Over-Applied Transparent & Semi-Transparent Oil & Water-Based (Acrylic) Stains.
Most Semi-Solid Oil-Based & Water-Based (Acrylic) Stains.
Important Note: Restore-A-Deck Stain Stripper w/Addtives may not fully remove Solid Color Wood Stains, Paints, Varnishes, and "Excessively Over-Applied Acrylic" Semi-Transparent and Semi-Solid Coatings. To remove these coatings, use the RAD Paint & Solid Stain Stripper
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The Sealer Store
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10 years ago

Hi there, just bought a house that the PO had applied Super Deck semi transparent which has tung oil and other oils. It has turned black/brown and a few parts wearing thin..

The weather here in central Oregon is turning cool.

Should I use your stripper or should I use your cleaner to clean this mess up?

Should I sand first or wait for the cleaner or stripper to do their thing?

Should I wait for warmer weather?

Thanks Jim

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Elizabeth Julien”]Hi,
Two questions: 1) Instructions say mist water and then apply Stripper using a pump sprayer or scrub brush. I don’t have a sprayer. So, can I just saturate a floor brush dipped in my extra wide bucket and then brush deck? 2))Am wondering how to use RAD stripper on vertical surface? Same process but use a smaller brush? Being a liquid, how will it stay in place? Thanks[/quote]
You should invest in a $20-$30 sprayer for this, especially for the verticals. Not easy or as effective to brush it on.

Elizabeth Julien
Elizabeth Julien
10 years ago

Two questions: 1) Instructions say mist water and then apply Stripper using a pump sprayer or scrub brush. I don’t have a sprayer. So, can I just saturate a floor brush dipped in my extra wide bucket and then brush deck? 2))Am wondering how to use RAD stripper on vertical surface? Same process but use a smaller brush? Being a liquid, how will it stay in place? Thanks

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Mike Edminster”]can a clean garden pump sprayer be used to apply RAD deck stripper and brightener?[/quote]
Yes but make sure to mix the powders in a bucket fist with water then transfer that to the sprayer.

Mike Edminster
Mike Edminster
10 years ago

can a clean garden pump sprayer be used to apply RAD deck stripper and brightener?

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Cathy”]Will this stripper remove oil based semi solid stain?[/quote]
Most likely but does depend on the amount of coats there are.

10 years ago

Will this stripper remove oil based semi solid stain?

10 years ago

Found the answer. Thank

10 years ago

Is the stripper harmful to plants?

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”mike a”]How eco friendly? dock refinishing[/quote]
It is safe over water and docks.

mike a
mike a
10 years ago

How eco friendly? dock refinishing

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Kathy Schwebach”]I have used penofin hardwood oil on 8 year old ipe deck. 2 years ago it turned black. Was told to use diluted bleach which has helped but still a lot of stain still remains. Will the stripper work in this situation?[/quote]
Yes this stripper will remove the Penofin that has turned black.

Kathy Schwebach
Kathy Schwebach
10 years ago

I have used penofin hardwood oil on 8 year old ipe deck. 2 years ago it turned black. Was told to use diluted bleach which has helped but still a lot of stain still remains. Will the stripper work in this situation?

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Dave Hayes”]Do you offer a package with the Stripper and brightner? I only see the cleaner and brightner.[/quote]
Sorry but we do not.

Dave Hayes
Dave Hayes
10 years ago

Do you offer a package with the Stripper and brightner? I only see the cleaner and brightner.

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Belinda Henson”]If I am doing in sections, should I finish all sections with the stripper then apply brightener or apply the brightener to sections as they are stripped? Sorry for all the questions but my deck is 15 years old and I need it to last another 15 years so I really need to do this right.[/quote]
Strip all than brighten.

Belinda Henson
Belinda Henson
10 years ago

If I am doing in sections, should I finish all sections with the stripper then apply brightener or apply the brightener to sections as they are stripped? Sorry for all the questions but my deck is 15 years old and I need it to last another 15 years so I really need to do this right.

Belinda Henson
Belinda Henson
10 years ago

[quote name=”TheSealerStore”]Do in sections and do the floors first, than the railings.[/quote]

Thanks so very much!

RAD Products
10 years ago

Do in sections and do the floors first, than the railings.

Belinda Henson
Belinda Henson
10 years ago

On a deck as large as 10 x 40 would you recommend doing it in sections so I can more effectively keep it misted so that it does not dry out? Should I do the horizontal floor separately from the spindles? Any negative consequences from doing that?

Thanks so much!

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Mike Chan”]Hello,

I have a 10ftx10ft cedar deck with an old cabot oil stain on there. On this deck there is a waterproof under decking made of galvanized steel (corrugated roof sheet) so that I can store stuff under the deck. Can I use your product to strip the old stain off my deck? Is your product corrosive to the galvanized steel? If not can you recommend what I can do to strip the stain as it is failing.


It should remove the Cabot well and will not harm the steel.

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Belinda Henson”]Hello,

I have a 10 x 40 deck that has previously been stained that I would like to strip. My hesitation is that it has pickets spaced about 4 inches apart and I’m worried about being able to effectively remove the stain from all sides of them. Any tips on the easist most time effective way to do that?

Also, will your products hurt 1) my vinyl siding on my house 2) my aluminum rain gutters and downspouts 3) My concrete patio below my deck 4) My dogs if they happen to eat any grass that it got on during the process?[/quote]
It should not harm the siding but always best to test first. Do not let the dags eat anything that is wet with the stripper. Spray on the stripper and pressure wash off.

Mike Chan
Mike Chan
10 years ago


I have a 10ftx10ft cedar deck with an old cabot oil stain on there. On this deck there is a waterproof under decking made of galvanized steel (corrugated roof sheet) so that I can store stuff under the deck. Can I use your product to strip the old stain off my deck? Is your product corrosive to the galvanized steel? If not can you recommend what I can do to strip the stain as it is failing.



Belinda Henson
Belinda Henson
10 years ago


I have a 10 x 40 deck that has previously been stained that I would like to strip. My hesitation is that it has pickets spaced about 4 inches apart and I’m worried about being able to effectively remove the stain from all sides of them. Any tips on the easist most time effective way to do that?

Also, will your products hurt 1) my vinyl siding on my house 2) my aluminum rain gutters and downspouts 3) My concrete patio below my deck 4) My dogs if they happen to eat any grass that it got on during the process?

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”BRUCE CROCKER”]My deck was stained a few years ago with a latex attain. The color is now “worn off” the horizontal surfaces but is still visible on the railings. Do you recommend the stripping process for any parts of the deck or can I just do the cleaning and brightening steps. I plan to use your oil based stain after whatever prep you recommend.[/quote]
You cannot add any stain on top if this so you will need to strip and possibly sand to get it all off first. Brighten as well.

10 years ago

My deck was stained a few years ago with a latex attain. The color is now “worn off” the horizontal surfaces but is still visible on the railings. Do you recommend the stripping process for any parts of the deck or can I just do the cleaning and brightening steps. I plan to use your oil based stain after whatever prep you recommend.

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Eric Skrout”]I used the RAD stripper and brightener this weekend and it got most of the stain off. After it dried, I noticed that the boards were more of a whitest color. It almost is as if the wood is bleached. I sanded a small spot and it will sand off to natural wood but I dont want to have to sane my entire deck before staining. Any suggestions?[/quote]
No issues and the stain will enhance the wood grain.

Eric Skrout
Eric Skrout
10 years ago

I used the RAD stripper and brightener this weekend and it got most of the stain off. After it dried, I noticed that the boards were more of a whitest color. It almost is as if the wood is bleached. I sanded a small spot and it will sand off to natural wood but I dont want to have to sane my entire deck before staining. Any suggestions?

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Rick”]My deck is 10 years old western red cedar. It has been stained with PENOFIN Red Cedar Oil stain every 3 years, after a light power washing each year. Can I remove the old stain with RDA Stripper? It has turned dark in many places and has light and dark wood, after this years strong power washing. I wish to bring back ,as much as possible, the western red cedar color. Thank you.[/quote]
Yes use the RAD Stripper and pressure wash again. Use RAD brightener when finished.

10 years ago

My deck is 10 years old western red cedar. It has been stained with PENOFIN Red Cedar Oil stain every 3 years, after a light power washing each year. Can I remove the old stain with RDA Stripper? It has turned dark in many places and has light and dark wood, after this years strong power washing. I wish to bring back ,as much as possible, the western red cedar color. Thank you.

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Bob Driscoll”]Hello;

Just finished staining (oil base) 300 s/f deck. Weather forecast was incorrect and it rained on the deck during the night…probably 7 hours after stain application. Whole deck has water blotches. I am assuming I need to redo the whole thing. Will the RAD stripper work effectively on this just stained deck? Or should I take another approach?

Thanks very much.

Bob Driscoll[/quote]
It is probably fine. Look at see if it looks even after the water fully dries off the deck.

Bob Driscoll
Bob Driscoll
10 years ago


Just finished staining (oil base) 300 s/f deck. Weather forecast was incorrect and it rained on the deck during the night…probably 7 hours after stain application. Whole deck has water blotches. I am assuming I need to redo the whole thing. Will the RAD stripper work effectively on this just stained deck? Or should I take another approach?

Thanks very much.

Bob Driscoll

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Joe Faenlly”]I have a 700 square foot deck that has sikkens translucent stain. I would like to know if I have to strip, clean and brighten, or do I skip the clean part.
Any help would be appreciated.

Joe Fanelly[/quote]
You have to remove the Sikkens if you want to use the Sikkens. Strip and brighten. No need to use cleaner.

Joe Faenlly
Joe Faenlly
10 years ago

I have a 700 square foot deck that has sikkens translucent stain. I would like to know if I have to strip, clean and brighten, or do I skip the clean part.
Any help would be appreciated.

Joe Fanelly

RAD Products
10 years ago

Liz, Behr is very difficult to strip and even more so when just applied. The Restore A Deck stripper will work to remove most buy you will need to strip a few times, will need a pressure washer, and might need to sand some as well to get it all off. Brighten when done with the stripping.

10 years ago

Hi I have recently finished building a deck and stained it with behr semi transparent stain (about 1-2 months ago) I am not happy with the stay color at all and would like to strip it and restain it with transparent stain.
What all do you recommend to get?
Will it remove my stain (majority at least)?
I have 2 large dogs that love and play on, around and under the deck(where there is a majority of dirt and after spraying will become mud) is your product hazardous to animals?

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Rod Steiskal”]can I use your products to strip and brighten cedar siding[/quote]
Yes the Restore A Deck works on cedar siding.

Rod Steiskal
Rod Steiskal
10 years ago

can I use your products to strip and brighten cedar siding

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Jim Ross”]I would like to purchase the 2 pounds of stripper. Can’t find shipping charges anywhere. To Washington state. How much? Thank you[/quote]
Add to cart, enter zip code at checkout and it will tell the price.

Jim Ross
Jim Ross
10 years ago

I would like to purchase the 2 pounds of stripper. Can’t find shipping charges anywhere. To Washington state. How much? Thank you

RAD Products
10 years ago

[quote name=”Guy Wentworth”]I used Cabot Australian Timber oil on my last deck treatment 3 years ago. Will your stripper remove this product?[/quote]
Yes it should. Brighten when done.

Guy Wentworth
Guy Wentworth
10 years ago

I used Cabot Australian Timber oil on my last deck treatment 3 years ago. Will your stripper remove this product?

RAD Products
10 years ago

You need to remove the Sikkens SRD so you would want the Stripper and the Brightener.

Tom Nemeth
Tom Nemeth
10 years ago

Hi folks, your records will show I have purchased Restore a Deck from you 2-3 times. Great product too! It’s time for me to redo my deck. I use Sikkens CETOL SRD the semi transparent brown. Not sure if they make the same color. Anyway, I’d like to remove the finish and redo it probably in the same brownish color. I have a deck that’s about 30×15 with railings etc and about 12 steps.
So should I get the stripper or the cleaner?
Can you pls respond to my email address?


RAD Products
10 years ago

David, Use the Stripper to remove as much as possible first than sand if needed after. It will make it much easier for you.

David Vittorio
David Vittorio
10 years ago


I have a large deck 750 feet and it is 3 years old,. 2 years ago I used cabots translucent stain (A honey color). After the winter I needed to restain the deck and I used Thompsons, Translucent gold. This year the deck is peeling and looks terrible. Should I sand with an Orbital sander or will Your Deck stripper work?


RAD Products
10 years ago

Dean, no the RAD stripper does not remove solid latex stains or paints. It will remove the majority of semi-transparent stains.

Dean DEMars
Dean DEMars
10 years ago

Will RAD stripper remove latex stain? Is the best method with hand sprayer?

RAD Products
11 years ago

The Stripper does remove mold and mildew. You do not need the cleaner if you use the stripper.

Camille Willman
Camille Willman
11 years ago

Does the stripper help with mold/mildew, or do I need the cleaner also?


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