Makes 5 Liquid Gallons …Enough to Strip 500-1000+ Sq. Feet!
Restore-A-Deck Wood Stain Stripper: the Best Deck Stain Stripper
Restore-A-Deck Wood Stain Stripper is a biodegradable, powdered concentrate that quickly removes worn finishes to restore wood surfaces. Stains and deck coatings are removed along with collected dirt, mold, mildew and mill glaze.
The Restore A Deck system is a multistep deck cleaning system, and best results are achieved when using all 3 products. This product is Step 1 Stripper of the Restore A Deck system and can be substituted for or used after Restore-A-Deck Wood Cleaner.
Restore-A-Deck Wood Stain Stripper removes most oil and latex based finishes including: clear sealers, transparent stains, and semi-transparent stains.
Surfaces to be stripped must be above 50°F. Protect adjacent surfaces; cover with plastic sheets and/or tape off any adjacent areas not being stripped. Thoroughly wet and/or cover plants and shrubs. Rinsing residue will not harm plants or roots. Exposure to full strength product will burn foliage.
The Restore-A-Deck Wood and Deck Stain Stripper needs to be neutralized with the Step 2 Wood Brightener.
- #1 Rated Wood Deck Stain Stripper
- Removes most clear, transparent, semi-transparent, and semi-solid coatings.
- Powdered formula makes 5 liquid gallons when mixed
- Extremely cost effective. When mixed, the cost is less than $7 a gallon.
- Eco-Safe formulas
- Preps previously stained wood and decks
- Safe to use on all exterior wood surfaces, not just decks
- Applied with pump sprayer for max results or injected through pressure washer for easier to remove finishes
- Can be mixed at a stronger ratio for difficult to remove finishes. Max would be 3 gallons of water to one container of Restore-A-Deck Stripper
Coverage: 500-1000 sq. feet per container.
Important Note: Restore-A-Deck Stain Stripper may not fully remove Solid Color Wood Stains, Paints, Varnishes, and Excessively Over-Applied Acrylic Semi-Transparent and Semi-Solid Coatings. To remove these deck and wood stain types, use the RAD Paint & Solid Stain Stripper
Do you Have a Difficult to Remove Coating?
Restore-A-Deck Stain Stripper Additives
please recommend product to remove sikkens 123
Please add some pics of the stain on the wood.
Greetings, my existing stain is semi-solid. Can I use Restore-A-Deck Wood Stain Stripper? Thx
Post some pictures of the stain on the deck in the comments.
So I have this potential job to complete, and I’m unsure of which products might be best. Paint strip or just the regular stripper. Or what additives might be required. I believe this is a water based stain(not 100% sure) and I want to strip off as much as possible.
Use the RAD Stain Stripper with both additives:
Brightener when done.
I’m not sure which product would work best here, the stain stripper/brightener, or the paint strip. This house has cedar siding which supposedly was last treated with semi-transparent stain over a decade ago. I am concerned that pressure washing will further damage the wood.
Use the regular stain stripper with both Gel and Booster additives. Brightener after.
Thank you for the quick response. Can I just use a non-pressure washer to hose it down afterwards?
No, you need a pressure washer for this.
Hi, update.
I was able to strip whatever was put down on the deck. In some spots it took 5 hours for the stipper to soften up the deck coating so I was able to scrub and power wash the coating off the wood.
I’ve about run out of the stripper, as I have around 20 sqft to strip. I have an unopened container of the stripper I purchase around 5 years ago but never opened it. It is still powerdery when I shake the container. Can I use this in case I run out of stripper stripping the last few boards? .
The last question I have now is that it has taken nearly 3 days to strip the 600 sqft deck, mostly due to avoiding the sun and the stubbern coating. Up to now, I haven’t put down the brightner on any of the stsripped boards. What steps do I need to to do in order to apply the brightner. .
Yes, you can use the older container. When you are done stripping, rinse all wood well with water and then apply the brightener.
Several yars ago, some “contractor” power washed and applied, according to him, a deck stain. I’m finding areas on my deck that the stripper doesn’t appear to penetrate this “stain”. Even after leaving the stripper on some of the boards for an hour, very little of the surface coating is removeable, even after scrubbing. I use 2/3 cup of stripper per gallon of water..
Any suggestion is appreciated.
I’m interested in using this product to removed an already weathered and aged semi transparent stain that I applied to my porch decking years ago. I have siding on my house and a plastic white railing that runs the length of my porch. Will this product damage or discolor the railing or house siding.
Post some pics for prep advice and what to use for the stripping. It should not harm the house or railings but alwast prewet and rinse over spray right away.
Should I use the stain stripper and brightener or the paint stripper? Not sure if I have a semi transparent stain or a semi solid stain. I have attached some pictures of my cedar siding.
Using the RAD PaintStrip would probably be best as it looks opaque in the first picture.
I just ordered RAD stripper, booster and brightener. I am awaiting delivery. I plan on using a brush for the application of the stripper to better control the application. I recall reading somewhere that certain types of brushes are not recommend for the application of caustic stripper. What brush should I purchase for this job.
A pump sprayer is much easier to use and fairly easy to control. Using a brush will be a pain and messy; we would not suggest it, but if you must, make sure it is chemical-resistant. Sorry, but I’m not sure of a certain brand or model.
Does RAD wood stain stripper remove Thompsons water seal? Remove mold and mildew?
Yes, it will remove all. Brighten after.
Hi there, I have an older stained deck from about 7 years ago. Gone through a lot of weathering. Here are the photos. The deck was constructed from treated wood. And the stain that was used is latex based. What’s the absolute easiest way to strip away the old stain and get it ready to pain it with a a new solid stain?
Use our Restore A Deck Stain Stripper and pressure washing to remove all loose and peeling stain. You do not have to remove all when recoating with a solid stain as the new solid stain will cover the intact coating that is not peeling:
I have 955 square ft on two covered porches. It was stained 10 yrs ago with a dark Behr semi-transparent. How much stripper do you recommended and do I need the additives. Only 100 ft is horizonal which is a band going around the bottom of the porches. I’m restaining with a solid Flood stain.
2 Strippers. When recoating with a solid stain, you do not have to remove all of the old stain. Remove the stain that is failing or peeling. The new solid stain will cover what you cannot strip.
I applied 4.5 gallons of the stripper to 500 square ft on my front porch. Cloudy day under 90°. Spent about 4 hours power washing & this is where I’m at. Trying to decide if I need to use more stripper. It’s hard to tell what is what with the peeling & failing you said needed to come off. Some of the Behr came right off. The other just seems to deteriorate the more I pressure wash.
You are good to apply your solid stain, but you should brighten the wood to neutralize it, as the stripper really darkened the wood’s pH.
I have the brightener but ran out of time yesterday. Looking at the porch this morning. I have some places like this it looks like some of it will come off easily and will with my fingernail. Will the solid stain adhere and hold it down. I really don’t want to keep deteriorate what is left anymore with more pressure washing. I also have rain coming in later this afternoon. I have another porch I need to strip before. How long can the porches go before applying the brightener.
It looks good to stain from your pictures. There is no “curling” on the edges of your current stain. You can brighten whenever you can in this current scenario.
ok thanks for the prompt reply. I am going to strip the other porch. Hopefully can get both of them brighten today before the rain comes in late this afternoon.
I finished stripping & brightening both porches last night. The Behr semi-transparent came off easier on the back porch. I changed up my application some. I ended up using 2 stripper packs, 2 boosters & 1 brighener pack. I will never use Behr again. I plan to let it dry today & next 2 days, and staining on Saturday. Hopefully it will dry both porches are covered but I have ceiling fans on both. I thinking about getting a moisture meter? I plan to use the Olympic my local PPG store has really good sale going on.
Here are pictures
Olympic is on sale as it is not a very good stain. It may peel like the Behr. Search online.
My bad I meant to say Flood not Olympic which you recommended.
Flood is better than Olympic but not nearly as good as our Restore A Deck Solid stain.
Is there a number that can be matched up for the coastal grey color to use with the Flood stain
I had a comedy of errors today. I applied the stripper with a pump sprayer and that went fine. Then I tried using a deck brush and it was not doing a great job after waiting for the stripper to set for 30 minutes, so I ran to the store and bought a pressure washer which was working great.
However, a massive downpour has come and now I can’t apply the brightener to neutralize the stain until tomorrow
What should I do?
Brighten when you can.
Thanks, after looking at the deck this morning, it appears I missed a few spots with the stripper. Is it ok to reapply the stripper and then power wash and brighten?
I want to stain my deck but need to clean and prep first. I have stamped/stained/sealed concrete that meets deck so I need a product that will not damage or remove any concrete coatings. The deck pitch is minimal but it will run down to concrete and across patio. The wood and patio touch on each side of step as well. Do you have a product to recommend that won’t hurt the concrete finish?
Use this kit:
Our prep products will not harm the stamped concrete.
I need to strip 2 layers of semi-transparent oil based stain. Bottom layer is cabot the second coat several years ago was sherwin-williams.
I am attaching several pictures. In the center where the sun can get to it most of the day it is clearly worn. Around the edges where full sun is only on it for a few hours it is not as worn. Under the grill and a coupe of other places where the stain is protected it looks mostly opaque.
Any sugestions would help as to which products could handle the different areas.
What you have on your wood is not semi-transparent but fully opaque. Our regular deck stain stripper will not remove this, so you will need the RAD PaintStrip and even possibly some sanding to get it off:
Should I use the deck cleaner and brightener after using the paintstrip just like with the stain stripper?
Just brighten. No need to clean.
Will this strip Behr Premium Semi Transparent stain? or do I need to use Paint and Solid Stain Stripper?
Post some pictures of the stain on the deck for assistance.
Here’s a couple
There is no need for the RAD PaintStrip here. Use the Restore-A-Deck Stain Stripper with both Booster and Gel additives:
Brightener when done.
Deck has been stripped, brightener used, and light sanding to remove “furring”.
When using the semi-transparent light walnut stain…do you recommend 1 coat or 2?
When you sand we suggest 1 coat of stain.
My older deck is about 380 sq (not including the railing). I plan to get the kit the kit with 5 gal of stain, stripper and brightener. Will that be enough stain or should I get an extra gallon? Thanks!
It’s hard to say, as it depends on the total square footage and how dried out the wood is. It will be close with the 5-gallon pail. Note, if doing the 2 coats wet on wet, this typically only needs to be done to horizontal areas, not vertical rails.
I have a two-tone deck. The vertical surfaces are solid white stain from restore a deck and the horizontal services are semi transparent. I do not want to remove any of the white stain on the vertical surfaces. Is it safe to use this stripper since getting some of a stripper on the vertical white surfaces will be unavoidable.
Yes, but prewet and rinse any over spray while working right away
I will start by saying I used a floor sander that got a lot of the stain off first. It left behind plenty though because the grain had separated in a lot of places and a lot of the boards are cupped.
I have tried a few different products and none have them have done what it says on the tin (bag).
This…..Let me just say I am blown away by it. I followed the instructions and left it for about half an hour while keeping it damp.
I then attached it with a stiff brush on a pole. That was hard work but it was definitely getting good results.Then I went to the steps that had been left for about an hour and the brush immediately got clogged with stain !!! So I hit it with the power washer….OMG…it’s amazing. The stain just washed right off, incredible.
My only regret is not leaving the main deck for longer, I could have saved myself a lot of effort with the brush.
I used 2/3 cup in one gallon of cold water and it covered about 200 square feet.
Thanks for the great review! If you have a chance, could you copy your review at Amazon for us? People do not always follow directions, and that is the key to success!
Done !
I have noticed that as the wood dried there was a white residue. Is that because I have not rinsed the brightener enough and will rinsing it again get rid of it ?
Thanks! Post a picture in the comments.
Here is a link – as you can see, once it dried some parts have the white residue. I’m still in amazement at how well this worked 🙂
So do I just rinse again ?
That is furring. Typically, this can happen when you “over” a strip that is too strong of a ratio. It typically does not show, but you can have it off if you want. See this for tips:
I don’t have a pressure washer. Is RAD Stripper still usable? Effective?
If you cannot pressure wash it off then you will need to heavy scrub and rinse. It will take longer this way.
I just applied a test amount to the middle board in the picture. Left it for three hours yet it hasn’t made a difference.
Is this because the deck has no stain left to remove?
It’s Mahogany, 30 years old, never been maintained. Partial su. and shade in NY.
Little to no stain left. Apply, wait 10-20 minutes and then pressure wash off. Brighten all when done.
It’s a long story, but I need to strip Penofin penetrating oil for hardwood from an ipe deck. It was just applied today. I would appreciate your advice on the best stripper to use and any tips on the best way to do it.
Use the RAD stripper with the Booster and the Gel additives since newly applied. Let dwell for 30 minutes and pressure wash off. Use the Brightener last.
Do I need to strip previous semi-transparent stain (different brand) on railings if staining with solid RAD stain this time?
When using the RAD Solid Stain (not semi-transparent) you do not 100% have to remove the old coating but it is suggested to strip off the loose or peeling stain first, so you have a solid foundation for applying the RAD Solid Stain.
I just finished with the 3 step deck stain process; !. Cleaner 2. brightener 3. Natural Deck Stain application. I mistakenly thought that the Natural semi transparent stain was CLEAR, but it is not.
I want to remove this stain and will replace with a CLEAR water based stain.
QUESTION: Will the Restore a Deck Stain Stripper remove this newly applies Restore a Deck Natural deck stain that was just applied sufficiently to allow for a re-applkication of CLEAR stain?
Hi Alan, do you realize that a “Clear” coating will offer zero UV protection and will gray naturally in months? If you want to prevent natural graying, your stain must be tinted. No “clear” product on the market will prevent graying.
If you need to remove the newly applied RAD Stain, then you should use both the Booster and the Gel additives while stripping.
Hi, I saw a reply notice in my email, but when I clicked the link and came here, I found my post was gone and I can’t see anything. (I’m not sure if my post was set as invisible.)
Let me post my question and photos again.
I stained my new deck one year ago, but some of the stain is off now, so I’d like to stain again. I am not sure if I need a stripper or a cleaner, because I saw different information from different pages. Could you tell me what product I should get? Thank you.
We would Strip and then Brighten for the prep. This will ensure an even application and better penetration when you recoat.
Thank you.
I’m trying to order the stain stripper booster and don’t seem to be able to add it to my cart. Is that true? Whenever I see it listed, it is just the technical specs and application uses.
Just click “Add to Cart” on the product page:
Can the padco staining pad be washed after use for use in another use several weeks down the line?
We would suggest using a replacement pad instead.
I bought a house with deck already stained. I was told I could stain over top? I thought about just sanding down….but I see your product. I have enclosed a picture of the deck. Stain over top? Sand down? Or will your product work?
Whenever you switch semi-transparent stains brands you need to remove the prior coating. You can use our RAD Paint Strip to remove this while pressure washing or sand it off with 60-80 grit.
Very good product. Much better than TWP Safe Strip. First application of TWP 100 series went wrong and I put too much product on as the sun dried it all up and caked it to the wood. What a disaster! I used RAD Stripper with Booster and then followed with RAD Brightener and I am happy with the results. The RAD brightener didn’t take as much grey out as I thought it would but it really helped to even out the stain on the deck.
Will Stripper also remove black mildew from boards or do I have to “pre-treat” do something else before applying stripper/brightener? Thanks!
The Stripper will remove black mildew.
cab i use stripper/brightener on fir T1-11 siding?
Yes, as long as the coating on the wood can be stripped. For help, post some pics.
Husband stained porch (pressure treated lumber) an awful dark red brown stain and then tried to fix it by applying another brown stain over top. I’ve read you’re not supposed to sand pressure treated lumber. Will your product work to remove it? Thanks!
It looks opaque now in the pic so you would need the RAD Paint Strip:
I looked at the can. It says Cabot Australian Timber Oil. Would you still go with the above suggestion? Thanks.
I looked at the can and its Cabot Australian Timber Oil. Would you still go with the paint stripper?
Do you just brush on the stripper, let it sit and then rinse? Must you use a pressure washer?
It is excessively over applied (not supposed to be shiny) so you will need the RAD PaintStrip.
Thank you!
I have an 8-year old fence that was stained when it was built. I don’t know what stain was used. Parts of the fence are grey where the stain has worn off while most of the fence still has a decent amount of color. Questions:
1. Is the Wood Stain Stripper the right product to use? (This doesn’t look like a solid stain so I assume so, but just checking)
2. Will the stripper+brightener get the grey areas restored so I can apply a new stain, or will sanding be necessary? Or is there some other thing I should do?
3. My contractor was planning on just pressure washing and sanding, then applying a new stain without using a stripper. Would that also work? What are the downsides to that approach in my case?
Strip and brighten all while pressure washing is the correct way. No need for the additives here.
Your contractor is incorrect with pressure washing only.
Will the rinsing residue from the stripper stain or discolour adjacent bricks? Do I need to somehow cover up the brickwork before pressure washing?
Just prewet and rinse over spray while working and it should be no issues.
Do I have to wait a certain period of time to use RAD strip/brighten products if it rains?
Are there instructions on how to use in Spanish for Restore A Deck stripper and brightner?
No, but you can copy and paste into Google and it will translate it for you.
power washed deck already without any cleaner just to get lose stuff off. What stripper should I use?
What stain do you plan on using? Solid or semi-transparent?
Is the Restore-A-Deck Wood Stain Stripper oxygen bleach?
The shelf life stamped on the back of the package for stripper and brightener says 36 months unopened. 36 months starting from when?
I applied the stripper today however the semi-transparent stain didn’t all come off. I’d like to reapply in a couple of days and may need to do some light sanding followed by brightener however I can’t do it all in one day so, is it ok to reapply the stripper, lightly sand once dry hopefully the next day then brighten?
Yes, that is okay.
Deck is prepped and ready for staining. Going to apply 2 coats of cedar semi transparent. When applying the first coat in sections, will light overspray from misting with water affect the stain that’s already down on the boards?
Do not break up the misting with the water. Do it once only and prior applying the first coat. Do all the first coat of stain and then apply your second coat within 20-45 minutes.
Will this remove clear water-based stains or will I need the additives? I applied cabot’s clear wood protector three years ago to my cedar fence. Most of the stain has faded but some sections have held up a little better.
This will work. Brighten after.
I had hired someone over a year ago to remove old & peeling Thompsons Water sealer Semitransparent Cedar stain. The men used a pressure washer and made a big mess. So much stain still remains on deck boards and I want to restain it. Will your Restore-
A-Deck Wood Stain Stripper work to remove the horrible remaining stain? If so, how do I apply and remove? I am a 70 year old widow and am at a loss.
Post some pics in the comments.
My deck is 3 years old made of cedar. I let it dry for a year, then used cleaner and brightener on it. Then stained it with semi transparent cedar stain. last year I did some touch-up in a few warn spots. This is what it looks like this spring after the snow has melted. It is pealing badly on the horizontal surfaces. Help! I don’t know what to do.
No pics.
I just stripped a 1 year old Alaskan cedar deck that had a light water based penetrating sealer on it. We realized it was not strong enough. We tried to edit fir sealer to wear off but looked bad so decided to strip it with your product. I used a powerful hose and scrubber. I washed several times and lots came off but there is lots of residue. Do I need to strip again or sand the whole thing?
Post some pics please for advice.
so, I have the dreaded Behr semi-transparent stain…would I be better advised to use your solid stain stripper????????
Please reply back with some pics of the deck.
attaching pics… can see the deck condition in a couple of pics…I have flipped the steps to use the bottom, completely replacing the railings. The Behr semi transparent is coats, because as it peeled, I tried to touch it up in places. Also have replaced boards for a second time….so, from what I have read, Behr is very hard to strip…would the solid stain stripper and additives be a better choice? Or, should I powerwash and sand anything loose and just solid stain over the mess???????
It looks like a solid opaque stain. Behr has a tendency to lie about their transparency with deck stains. You should use our RAD PaintStrip.
Thx, and to clarify, I powerwash the deck, apply the stripper, be patient while it does its work, rinse off …do I need a cleaner/brightener? Do need to sand perhaps?? Lastly, suggestions on stripping the railing 4×4 posts????
You pressure wash off the stripper and coatings, not rinse. No need to cleaner or brightener. You might need to spot sand a little for difficult-to-remove areas.
so I think I want to use Armstrong Clark. They say their semi-solid should not be used on pressure treated less than 12 months old. If I dry the pressure treated (DIY kiln dry) to below 18%, can I then use their semi solid stains? Or their hardwood stains???
No, it is not about moisture % but about the porosity of the wood.
but I could use your solid stain on newer wood, if I dried it using a kiln????
No, it has to weather and be prepped with the solid stain as well. 3+ months. You need to wait if brand new. No way around it.
the deck has 5 or 6 new boards I installed last summer to let age. Can I just run the stripper over them also? Do they need brightener or cleaner used before staining???
Yes, but you will need to brighten all as well. No need for cleaner.
one more question (I think)….in Dec I had an email discussion with your sales folks…they did not recommend stripper, just powerwash, sand, then brighten, then apply RAD solid stain….which is correct, using the paint stripper, or just powerwashing and sanding….
We replied via email. Thanks
Doing a pergola on a stamped concrete patio. Will it hurt the finish on stamped concrete?
No, it will not. Rinse well with water to remove the soap and grime when done.
I have a Yardistry Cedar Gazebo previously sealed with Thompson’s Clear Waterseal over the factory stain. I pressure washed, sanded some fuzzies off then used RAD cleaner and brightener. On the outside surfaces which were very weathered all of the previous stain and sealer appears to have been removed. On the interior roof and beams which had less exposure there is still remaining stain. I plan to stain everything with RAD Light Walnut semi transparent stain. Assume I will need to use RAD stripper for all of the interior surfaces? Will this remove the paint off of the metal roof panels? I may not get to this for a couple of weeks. Will I then need to use cleaner and brightener on the exterior surfaces again?
To remove the remaining stain, you will need to strip and then brighten all of the wood after. It does not remove paint.
Will your stripper remove Cabbots Oil from an Ipe deck?
Our cedar deck is 2 years old, used Cabot Stain on it, but it has not lasted. Some of it has mildewed, some of it is bear wood and some may still have a bit of stain. Cleaner or Stripper? I know I will have to sand afterwards and use brightener before using the stain. I’d love to preserve some of the cedar look so probably use the semi-transparent version.
The Cabot has to come off. Post some pics for prep advice in the comments.
I have used restore a deck stripper. (Previously had Behr deck over on it) About 95% of it has come off. There are spots that look still stained red, and other spots that definitely have the stain still on it. I have done a couple practice runs of a sander and it still isn’t coming out. Do I need to keep sanding? Or can I brighten and add stain?
on another note, if I choose a solid stain Color, do I still need to get all of the previous stain off?
(last photo is a before and after)
You should be able to brighten and stain.
A solid stain can be applied over this as well.
Do I need to finish stripping and brightening the rails if I use solid stain?
Brighten only.
even if i havent used the stripper or a cleaner on the rails? just brighten and paint over? (with solid)
No, the rails will need to be cleaned or stripped to remove any loose stain, dirt, etc. Then brighten all when done.